Change the colour scheme on a different section

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I'd like to be able to change the colourways of different section of the site

I see the basic template to be a 2/3 column grid such as this however I'd like to be able to change the page title div to be the same colour as the menu a blue purple and then I'd like the side navigation on the right to tie in with this colour. Could you advise of the best way of doing this please - I'm assuming it will be a page attribute of some sort that will tie in with the CSS. I'm quite keen not to have to do too many different templates so I was hoping there would be a solution such as this.

Many thanks


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Charlie,

The easiest way to do this is by color customization. Lets say you want the about us page title to be the same color as the about us nav which is green, go to the about us page and settings->design->customization and change the page title to green but only apply to "this page" and NOT "entire site". Do the same for the side nav.

I hope what I said made sense. Let me know how it works out.

Kind regards.
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for this - I was hoping for a way of making it so I would choose 'about us' as a colour coded section and be able to select an attribute for that page which would target a particular CSS overide for that page. This way I could just select an attribute of 'about' in the page and I could then set the title div, side nav div and titles to all go into that colour in a css file called about.css. Would that be possible?
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

I think that is possible but it would take more time to do and customize compared to just using the customization. End-users would need to tweak/understand the css/less on the backend to get it to work and you'd also need to apply it for each page since custom attributes only work for the page it's applied to.

I don't think we could apply this feature to the theme but I would personally help/guide you in achieving this feature if needed.

Kind regards.
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply

I have used this in other themes on 5.6 - would this still be functional in 5.7 - it allowed me to make a stylesheet called 'blue.css' and then point to that using page attributes. Could I ask you to take a look at this link where it shows how its done.
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Charlie,

This snippet would still work on 5.7 as mentioned here

$scheme = $c->getCollectionAttributeValue('colorscheme');
if ($scheme) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>/<?php echo $scheme; ?>.css" />
<?php } ?>
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
Great thank you I'll give this a go

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