Version History

1.6.1 - 04/20/2012 - Fixed issue with edit bar not working because of conflict with addheaderitem of jquery.ui.js and latest version of concrete5.

1.6 - 02/08/2012 - Updated logo area in header to work with Stacks instead of Scrapbooks (now to add your own logo, create a stack named Site Name and add your logo to that).

1.5.2 - 12/20/11 - Fixed header and background position when logged in with editing rights in concrete5.5.

1.5.1 - Made 'back to top' arrow only show up once user has scrolled down. Fixed positioning of Show/Hide button when logged in as editor (when concrete5 toolbar is at top).

1.5 - Added check to see if page types are already installed before installing them. Added blog_entry.php (default Blog) and pb_post.php (for ProBlog) page types as well as styling for them. Added Show/Hide button to be able to show/hide all content so only background image is visible. Cleaned up functions.js file and moved menu script call there. Removed unneeded .js file in js folder.

1.4.2 - Fixed styling in sub nav

1.4.1 - Fixed problem with return to top link not working because of change of div #page to #container in last release.

1.4 - Changed #page div to #container because of conflicts with Page page type. Created Left Sidebar page type.

1.3 - Made css fixes to page list block output styling, sidebar autonav block styling, and page title (thanks to ymne for pointing these out).

1.2 - Created right_sidebar.php and changed layout of default.php to one column with no sidebar.

1.1 - Made 'Home' Page Type Install Automatically with Installation.

1.0 - Initial Release