Version History


- Update concreteCMS version 9 & PHP 8.0+ compatibility. March 16, 2023.

Updated version 8 compatibility.


Reduced file size.

Fixed auto install page templates.

Removed deprecated codes.

Added new block custom templates.

Added fontawesome within the package.


Added color customization for typography.


Fixed several header issues

Modified main.css

Modified content.xml


Fixed css navigation issue Fixed list used globally

0.9.3 -
small css fix

0.9.2 -
added hover styles to buttons,
edited documentation content.xml,
made dropdown color similar on all pages,
cleared all empty files,  
removed homepage breadcrumb,
set all page types to auto install upon installation,
fixed glitch on blog pages removed stray view.css,
fixed glitch found in blog
added homepage on content swap installation,
fixed dropdown issue on homepage
Removed jquery call on footer because c5 is loading jquery by default.
Removed empty view.css files.
Updated content xml.
Removed unused redactor styles.
Removed unused images in images directory and in content_files directory. 

0.9.1 - first release