I'm happy with Galaxy, but I miss something

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I'm really happy with the Galaxy design! But I miss the Color assignment by the Sliders heading. I can choose the font-family and its height and weight, but nowhere ist the Color choosing. I have now attached a
<span style="Color:black;">
before and a Closing
after the text but that's an improved solution.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

When you say galaxy desiggn, are you referring to the parallax quote box? If so, can you try the rich text editor to change the color?

Please let me know if this fixes it.

tochch replied on at Permalink Reply
No, I'm referring to the Design -> Galaxy Theme -> Banner / Sliders. There I can choose the Font-Family of Heading and Description, its height and weight. But not the color.

For description that's OK for me I can use the color of the rich text editor. But the heading is always white and that's not working for me because I have a almost white banner on this website.

Thanks for your answer.

c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry I got confused because you called the theme Galaxy instead of Genesis. :)

On the color customization panel, you have access to the body and heading colors. This will affect the banner texts. For isolated color changes you can use rich text editot. you can enable this in dashboard.

I hope this was helpful.

tochch replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry! I meant Genesis Theme! That's my error.
But where do I find the color customization panel? The body and heading colors I found, but this isn't affecting the title in the slider. It is white and stays white.

I have enabled the color button in rich text editor, and I can live with the body text colored in it.

But the HEADING of IMAGE SLIDERS cannot be changed.

Thanks for your help.

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