

The Site Name is a global area in the header which takes your site name from the Sitewide Settings section in your dashboard.

You can edit the name or add your own logo by adding an image block to this area.


The navigation block automatically takes your site tree and creates the navigation for you with one level of sub navigation. If you need to reorder anything in the navigation just go to your Dashboard and click on SITEMAP > Full Sitemap . If you hover over a page title your cursor will turn to a cross and allow you to drag and drop each page to reorder.

To remove a page from the navigation just click on the page in the sitemap and select Properties, click on the tab Custom Attributes, click on Exclude From Nav, scroll up and check the box Yes, click Save.

Fullscreen Backgrounds

The Fullscreen Background is a block you will have available to you once Hi-Vis is installed. To use it simply add the block to an area of your website the same way you would any other block type. It will show up in the list of available blocks after the core blocks.

If you want the background(s) to show up on all pages then add it to the header or one of the footer areas which are global areas.


To use the Font Awesom icons included add an html block and use the following syntax:

<i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>
<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>
<i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i>

For more information check out:


Panels are a useful way of creating page hierrachy and highlighting important content. To add a panel you create a content block and choose the custom template 'Panel'.


Browser Support

Hi-Vis is built with Zurb Foundation Framework v5 which works with Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9+ Please note that IE8 support is limited as it does not support CSS3 media queries which make the site responsive.