Menu in footer -- how to eliminat

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Menu on left side of footer is extraneous, but doesn't appear to be editable.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for purchasing this theme. It's currently hard coded into the footer.php file.

If you are comfortable editing this file I can show you where. If you prefer I can send you a new version of this file and tell you where to upload it to.

tomfromdare replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm comfortable editing, but the uploaded file may allow me to upload again after a theme upgrade.
Thanks for your quick response. Client & I both like the theme layout very much.
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much. I'll get you an updated file tomorrow.
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much. I'll get you an updated file tomorrow.
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again,

I've just pushed up a new version with an additional global area in place of the hard coded menu. Hopefully its gives you more flexibility with the theme.

tomfromdare replied on at Permalink Reply

Great to hear that we users can edit from the desktop. However, my site runs version 2.1 while I see your version is 2.1.1, yet C5 says "No updates for your add-ons are available."
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi again,

I've uploaded the same files with a new version number in the controller.php file. Hopefully being a full number upgrade rather than an increment will force C5 to recognise it
tomfromdare replied on at Permalink Reply
Great idea, but my site doesn't know that an update is available.

Would I lose any content if I uninstalled the theme, and then installed it?
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
This might be a silly question, but have you downloaded the latest version and uploaded it to your packages folder?

You'll need to get the theme files up onto your server before it will prompt for update.
tomfromdare replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tried download the theme, but haven't found a way. Must I release it from the project first?
C5ThemeTeam replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not too sure. That might be something to throw at C5 support if it's being linked directly from the marketplace.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

concrete5 Environment Information

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soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5

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