Cannot edit CTA on Homepage

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When I go into edit mode, Concrete will not let me edit the CTA area. I hover over it with my mouse and it doesn't change color or do anything. The "Add to CTA Area" text should be blue like a link when I hover on it, but it's black like normal text and the mouse doesn't change to a hand.

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rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like it works in IE, but not in Firefox. I tried completely uninstalling and installing the theme with add-ons. Didn't help.
Vivid replied on at Permalink Reply
Which version of FF? I have no issues in IE/FF/Chrome/Opera/Safari.
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
8.0.1. Another issue I've run into is that the title and description aren't sticking (when I add it in IE9).
Vivid replied on at Permalink Reply
The power slider on rigid-light doesn't have a description.. Can you post some screen shots?
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
No the CTA title and description.
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
I can't edit the CTA on the homepage from Chrome 15.0.874.121 either. This is in the latest version of RigidLight.
Vivid replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like this came when you played with the size of the header.

in iGotStyle.css, on line 65, change
body.homepage #vignetteShell { height: 456px; }
to body.homepage #vignetteShell { height: auto !important; }

it's overlapping the CTAs.
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm, I was afraid of that. Spose I should've mentioned that!
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
So that fixed the problem, but the header is back to the original size. Is there a way I can keep it thinner and not mess up the CTA?
Vivid replied on at Permalink Reply
you put height auto on the header, and not where I told you to put it.

change header back to the size you had it.
and change #vignetteShell to height: auto.
rsi replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah ha, now I'm tracking. Very nice, thanks for all your help!! x-D

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