
Adding Your Own Logo

By default, the logo area of Slate pulls back the Site Name from the Sitewide Settings section in your dashboard, unless the Site Name stack has been created already - then it pulls whatever content is added in that stack. If you like the look of the logo in the demo and just want to replace 'slate' with your Site Name, simply delete the Site Name stack and update the Site Name section in Dashboard->Sitewide Settings to whatever you want it to be. If you however want to add your own company logo, simply add it to the Site Name stack in Dashboard->Stacks & Blocks.

If the stack Site Name isn't already created in your site, go to Dashboard->Stacks & Blocks and add a new stacked named Site Name. Then simply add a content or image block to that stack with your logo in it.

Note: Most likely the Site Name stack was created during installation of concrete5 and will already include a content block in it with the name of your site in a Heading One tag that is linked to your home page. This will cause the font of your site name to be really huge. To fix this, simply change the text from a Heading One to a Paragraph and remove the link (Slate automatically wraps the Site Name stack in a link to your home page).

Setting Up the Home Page

Apply the Home page type to the Home page (put the home page in Edit mode and click the Design tab in the concrete5 toolbar. Select the Home page type and save.)

Header Area Images

Images in the header area should be 1100 pixels wide and can be any height.

Using the Custom Page List Templates

Slate comes with four custom page list templates: One Column, Two Column, Three Column and Four Column. Note: In order for these custom templates to render correctly, you must add them to either a page that uses the Full Width page type or a page that has a page type with a full width area (such as the Main area in the Home page type).

  1. First, associate an image with each page. To do this, put the page in Edit Mode and click on Properties. Then click on the Custom Attributes tab. Add the Page Thumbnail attribute. Choose the image you want to use. Hit save, exit Edit Mode and Publish. Note: Images will be automatically sized and cropped.
  2. Next, add a Page List block to the page you want the page list on. Choose the options you want for the pages to be displayed. Click Add to add the block to the page.
  3. Now, click on the block that you just added and choose Custom Template from the menu. Then, select one of the custom templates from the drop down. Hit Update. Exit Edit Mode and Publish your changes.

Floating Images to Left or Right of Content

Add a content block to an area. Enter your content. Then click Add Image to add an image in that content block. Once the image is added, select the image and choose left or right from the Styles dropdown. Or, you can just add class="left" or class="right" to the img tag in the html view.

Sub Navigation in Sidebar

Simply add an Autonav block to the sidebar and choose the desired settings. For best results, do not display sub pages.

Adding Icon next to Feature/Service Title

Add a Content block to an area. Enter the title, select it and choose Heading 3 from the Format dropdown. Then, put the cursor at the beginning of the title, click Add Image and choose an image to use for the icon (icons are not included with theme). Finally, select the image and choose icon from the Styles dropdown.

Changing the Default Skin

To change the default style/skin to either the minimal, minimal dark, or minimal grunge, open up the theme's header.php file (located at theme_slate/themes/slate/elements/header.php) and look on line 18 for comment-skins.png. Then, simply uncomment out line 19 (minimal), 20 (minimal dark), or 21 (minimal grunge) depending on which style you want to use. To uncomment out a line, simply remove the comment-open.png from the beginning of the line and the comment-close.png from the end.

See more documentation here

(Adding/Changing Background Images, Lightbox Integration on Images)