WARNING: concrete5 5.6 and earlier are end-of-life. Sales from the marketplace have now ended. Click here to learn more about this transition.

Not 5.7 compatible.


An elegant and clean html5 and css3 powered theme. It is great for business websites, blogs, and personal webpages- and has enough page types for an individual feel. Streamlined is imageless to make your wabsite load as fast as possible. The entire theme is html5 and css3 powered, the only javascript used is to force internet explorer to recognize it. Internet Explorer will not round the corners, but it will display properly. I chose to do this because I didn't want a lot of javascript ruining how clean the code is. If you would like a version with rounded corners for internet explorer though, I would be happy to oblige. 



100% fluid layout

Html5 and Css3 powered

First Concrete5 theme to have an accompanying mobile stylesheet, if you visitors are on a mobile device they will have a unique layout for them.

Imageless theme

7 page types

fully commented- you can see what every piece of code does.

Very Customizeable- both the desktop and mobile versions of the theme are customizeable


New in this Update

smooth scroll to top functionality





Sales have ended due to EOL

Approved by PRB

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