Page title background image take off zoom

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Hi there,

im wanting to find out if i can have the image in page titles so there not super zoomed in, juts want it responsive but normal so you can see full image, can you help me sort this or send em the code so its not zoomed in on page title background, example link below


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
tried this but not worked on custom css?

wrapper #page-title {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-color: #e2e2e2;
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% auto;
padding: 5em 0;
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

The zoom in effect is because of the position fixed. Try changing it to "scroll" and see if this helps. Let me know if you need help with anything else.

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
could you possible add the correct code so i can simply add all my images.

i tired overwriting the css but it didnt take effect, if you could apply the correct code and ill be going live with site this week.

hope you can help and appreciate this last fix for me.


From: concrete5 Community <>
Sent: 04 July 2016 08:24
Subject: Page title background image take off zoom : Support
datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply

just add this in

#wrapper #page-title{
 background-attachment: scroll !important;

I think your code didnt work because the wrapper ID didnt have the "#". Also added an !important to force overwrite it.

I hope this helps.
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for that, the back to top button down bottom right hand side seems to have dissapeared, how can i get this back please?

david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry for all the questions, linkedin button doesnt work and i want thes to open in new tab, can this be done

thanks for help
david1983 replied on at Permalink Reply
this is the final last 2 things and im going live this weekend, really annoying why the back to top has gone weird, and juts linkedin link not working and were there :)

thanks so much and ping me a link to leave you a great review please?

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