horizontal ruler cannot show after publishing the change

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I was trying to add horizontal rulers between blocks under the blog entry page -> main area. It looks fine when adding the rulers in editor mode. However, as soon as I publish or save the updates, the ruler is gone. This happens to <br> and <hr> html as well. Is this a bug in the theme or is there some settings I need to change?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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nipper15 replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi, cespnnet

I checked on the Hello World! page (Blog Entry page), but the Horizontal Ruler Block is displayed without a problem.
Please see the attached images.

cespnnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi nipper15,

Thanks very much for your help! Yeah I also tried the sample "hello world" page, and it's working fine there. However, on my other page, this doesn't work. Do you know if there is any setting which could cause the differences?

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Created on Jun 06 2018 at 7:24 am