Home page Revo Slider issue-moved issue from Supermint 3 support to this support forum

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I am currently developing a site and having something weird going on in the main content area on the home page (using the recommended Revolution Slider). If you click anywhere in the slideshow area (as I often do, accidentally)-either on the image, or on the white sidebars, the image opens as a link. Then you need to use the back arrow to get back to the web site. This is really an annoying bug. Can you please advise me? Let me know if you need a link to the site.
Sebastien's reply was: This support request is for Supermint 2, here is the forum for Supermint3.I think that you can disable links to image through the revolution slider option page. Isn't ?
My reply: Revo slider is not listed as an option in my add ons. Also, did the Supermint demo page move? When I try to access it, I get a 404 error. That's kind of critical information to buyers to have. Thanks.

Type: Ticket
Status: New
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Easy Accordion (1.1.2), Easy tabs (1.7.2), SuperMint Theme (

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