I have a problem with script js

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Hello, I have a Js script that does not load, here it is :
<div id="TA_cdsscrollingravewide326" class="TA_cdsscrollingravewide">
<ul id="yegceCG0" class="TA_links LLVpaAF">
<li id="bmBPTI" class="XBtfXZb">
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.tripadvisor.fr/"><img src="http://c1.tacdn.com/img2/t4b/Stacked_TA_logo.png" alt="TripAdvisor" class="widEXCIMG" id="CDSWIDEXCLOGO"/></a>
<script src="http://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=cdsscrollingravewide&uniq=326&locationId=3513604&lang=fr&border=true&shadow=true&backgroundColor=white"></script>

Do you have a solution?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
This script doesn't have link with supermint?
umgrim replied on at Permalink Reply
No it is a script of tripadvisor, a badge of excellent from our hotel and
I have another theme installed on my site, and the script will load normally.
umgrim replied on at Permalink Reply
do you have the solution?
umgrim replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, i have a conflict with the folder concrete/js/jquery.js,

i remove jquery.js, it's ok now


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