stedereu has posted 110 messages, been awarded 8 achievements and has accumulated 20 karma points since joining the community on Jul 24, 2017.

Stefaan De Reu

I interested in webdesign. But just started.
My environment knows this.
So I have different propositions for making a site.
One of these I wish to do with a CMS.
I am happy that I did discover Concrete5!
Past Experience

Just started with studying the code.
html, css.
A little practice with Rapidweaver and Wordpress.


I am asked to design a website for an organization with six employees and seventy clients. I don't have the resources yet but I have a good idea about the structure.
First of all the site must be secured with a login-page, there will be a calendar with daily events, a presentation about the employees of the center and an opportunity for writing a blog and for the clients to leave comments about these activities, this with an identification like for instance a photo,..
There will be also an photo gallery about the events that did occur.

Above all this it must be easy for the employee to change and adapt the calendar and for the clients to upload a picture or a poem...
a real living website.


Minneveldstraat 146 bus 4
3070 Kortenberg

Current Specialties

None Entered


I have a graduate informatics education.
But long time ago.

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