hsclark has posted 34 messages, been awarded 13 achievements and has accumulated 280 karma points since joining the community on May 29, 2012.

HS Clark

Mystery author, medical thriller writer, doctor, anesthesiologist, experience in end-user software package management coupled with some programing experience. Built and maintain a web site with Concrete5 for author self-promotion. See my showcase site at:
Past Experience

None Entered


twitter: hsclarkmystery


Washington 98373
United States

Current Specialties

None Entered


Past formal training in programing and code testing from Basic to Fortran. Current training and use of numerous major end-user software packages, including electronic medical records software. Now building a web site with Concrete5 for author self-promotion.

Graduate medical training with sub-specialty certification in anesthesiology and 30 years of practice experience.

None Entered
Builder - Has built concrete5 websites.
First Post
First Reply
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.