backstageboy has posted 18 messages, been awarded 16 achievements and has accumulated 325 karma points since joining the community on Apr 18, 2009.

David Clarke

Spent 25 years working in theatre. (technical/design/backstage) Became a stay at home dad a few years ago so now build the odd website to try and earn some pocket money and keep my grey matter from turning to jelly. But then again I may be too late... so bring on the ice cream!

I would describe myself as a novice website builder. Taking existing prefabricated parts and knocking them together into something hopefully useful for the end users. C5 is just perfect for this. Easy to use as a novice yet powerful enough to grow with ones expanding knowledge and experience.

My current focus has been on in which I have C5'd and tweaked a template from Themeforest for a small comedy theatre company.
Past Experience

A lot.... but not much that's relevant here... unfortunately!


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Current Specialties

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Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.