treypaul has posted 12 messages, been awarded 11 achievements and has accumulated 95 karma points since joining the community on Sep 12, 2011.

Trey Paul Cash

I am a photographer and a master printmaker. My website I am creating is for me fine art printing business. After that I will tackle the photography.

I have an software engineering background and I actually owned one of the first ISPs in the 90s, back during the dial-up only days. All HTML was written by hand and CGI was the only way to create a dynamic page.

The last web site I created was around (I think) 2002 and was created entirely in dreamweaver. What a pain, I am so far loving concrete5. I just wish there were some good references of the file structure, database, global variables, etc. (or are there and I just haven't found them yet?).

I have to give the support team and the forum member here a great credit for solving all my questions and doing it usually within hours.
Past Experience

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1921.5 Greenville Avenue
Studio A
Dallas, Texas 75206
United States

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