We are proud to announce that the new version 7 beginner and developer online training classes on concrete5.org went live today.

The beginner track is a 3 hour hands on, virtual class. The topics include introduction to concrete5, installation of concrete5 on our simple sites hosting, creating blocks, adding addons & themes, managing people and reports, and site management.

The developer track is a 3 hour virtual class to cover everything you need to know to develop for concrete5. The course will cover coding guidelines, best practices for overriding the core, block architecture and more.

Want Free Training?

Go get training today 20 people will get one course of free training of their choice. Worth $95.

You can enter the contest doing one of the following:

Submit a project to the community showcase


Dont have a live site ready? No problem, submit a photo related to concrete5 on instagram and use the hashtags: #getc5trained #concrete5

Fill out this quick form so we know where to send the training info!

Training info:

Cost: $95 per training

Time: 2-3 hours

Pass: 85%

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