Web Design

May 29, 2024, 3:46 PM

Website security is more crucial than ever. On average, a website experiences 94 attacks daily and is visited by bots approximately 2,608 times a week. Ensuring your Concrete CMS website is well-protected against various cyber threats can save you from potential data breaches and malicious attacks. Concrete CMS offers a variety of add-ons designed to bolster your site's security. In this post, we’ll explore some top security add-ons.

May 21, 2024, 5:05 PM

Effective on-site search functionality is crucial for any website. Why? Because it directly impacts user experience, accessibility, and engagement. Whether visitors are shopping online, reading articles, or seeking specific information, a powerful search function can make their experience smooth and intuitive, saving time and reducing frustration.

Apr 29, 2024, 8:43 PM

In the age where digital fluency is as vital as the written word, libraries are emerging as community beacons for engagement and learning. The digital evolution of libraries extends beyond digitized archives; it encompasses a complete revitalization of their web presence to align with contemporary needs for accessibility, efficiency, and interactive service. Amidst this digital renaissance, libraries are upgrading to sophisticated web content management systems to heighten user interaction and operational prowess.

Mar 27, 2024, 6:19 PM

Have you ever found yourself in a digital bind, thinking, "There's got to be another way to edit my photos without selling a kidney for Photoshop?" Well, guess what? You're in luck! Photoshop might be the Goliath of the photo editing world, but there are plenty of Davids out there, slinging their free or more affordable software stones. So, why should you care about Photoshop alternatives? Maybe you're a hobbyist, a budding professional on a budget, or simply someone who loves to explore different creative avenues. Whatever your reason, let's dive into the world of Photoshop alternatives and find out what they can do for you.

Mar 20, 2024, 4:35 PM

In the digital age, a strong online presence is not just beneficial—it’s essential for photographers looking to distinguish themselves. While the idea of building a website might seem daunting, photography website builders are here to turn that challenge into an opportunity.

Mar 20, 2024, 3:46 PM

Welcome to the Markdown revolution, where writing on the web becomes as easy as jotting down a note. If you've ever found yourself frustrated with complex HTML tags or just want a more streamlined way to write and format your blogs, Markdown is your new best friend. Here's why:

Mar 7, 2024, 6:46 PM

Have you ever wondered what binds a diverse array of governmental websites together? Beyond their purpose to serve public needs, there's a technical commonality among them: they're all built on Concrete. This includes the robust National Cement Industry's site (see what we did there), which stands as a pillar of the construction sector and infrastructure development, contributing significantly to economic growth. 

Feb 28, 2024, 9:55 PM

In today's digital age, your medical practice's website is often the first point of contact between you and your potential patients. It's not just a virtual business card; it's a platform where storytelling meets design to shape patient experiences and drive engagement. But what exactly makes for effective medical website design? Let's explore this crucial aspect of healthcare marketing, drawing insights from the latest statistics and industry best practices.

Feb 15, 2024, 5:05 PM

Web design is not merely an art; it is a profound form of communication that encapsulates functionality, accessibility, and aesthetics. A well-designed website serves as a nexus between a brand and its audience, fostering engagement and delivering content with clarity and intent. To achieve such a synthesis of form and function, designers must adhere to fundamental principles that have stood the test of time and technological advancement.

Feb 8, 2024, 6:04 PM

In the ever-evolving realm of digital education, the interface between a school and its community is increasingly mediated through the digital landscape of its website. The importance of design and functionality in these digital platforms cannot be overstated, as they serve as the primary conduit for delivering content, engaging users, and showcasing the institution's ethos.