Concrete errors

I am seeing this error below appear on a daily basis.

updates/concrete5.6.3.3/concrete/core/controllers/blocks/form.php 258 Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id). (0)

Any help is appreciated.


ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
In root/config/site.php add these lines (adapt to suit)
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', 'someemail@something.com'); //from email for form submissions and such
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_NAME', 'Somebody'); //name displayed for the above email
define('FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL', EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS); //set the form block from email to the default from email
libertycreativesolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
I added those lines to my site.php last week, the error kept appearing.

Does it matter where in the file i place it ?

I currently have it at very end.

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
No I don't think it does matter about the position although I would use them in the order as posted..
libertycreativesolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
Let me give this a try one more time and maybe moving them up towards the top of the file.

Thanks for your help