Customising the login page: removing '2 week' sign in [SOLVED]

Is it possible to remove/comment-out the checkbox and text 'Stay signed in for two weeks' on the login page?

I have found the login.php file in concrete/single_pages but not sure where that particular section originates.

This is my client's request for a lightly customised page for their clients to log in.

I've changed the background image with the Login Page Background add-on, so I don't know if that affects/complicates things further.


hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You will find this in /concrete/authentication/concrete/form.php you should copy that file to /application/authentication/concrete/form.php and make your changes so any future upgrades don't undo them.
avra replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect - thank you for fast response!