Email Sender Adrress 5.7 forms

I need to change the e-mail sender used on forms. It uses my admin email.

I configured an external email account to do it, but he make the reply address my address.

I read many ways to define it on 5.6 versions, but i use 5.7

Please, can someone help me ?

Best Regards,
Humberto Matos

java9 replied on at Permalink Reply
The form functionality seems to have many shortcomings at the moment. Currently, I'm having issues with form messages not coming through at all (while test messages do arrive however).

Now, for your issue I would try putting view.php into a custom form template, then hardcode sender's email address there (the "from" field). Not sure if that would work completely as you wish, though. It's just an idea worth trying I guess.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
In your /application/config directory, create a new file named 'concrete.php'.

Add the following contents to it:

return array(
    'email' => array(
        'form_block' => array(
            'address' => '',
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
I also wrote a new documentation page for these that is available at:
java9 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also having issues with email sending so I'd like to ask if I can use existing concrete.php file in my generated_overrides directory which is already under /application/config?

It currently contains my settings for smtp email sending, but the array key of that is 'mail'...
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
No, none of the files in the "generated_overrides" directory should be edited directly.
haundavid replied on at Permalink Reply
- Thanks