Email SMTP Configuration Bug

I believe I have found a bug in the Email SMTP settings.

I was changing the email method to SMTP and set the username in the Dashboard settings to When I tested the settings I received an error stating that user was not a valid user.

I was able to fix this on my installation by editing the Email Settings section of concrete/config/concrete.php where concrete5-noreply@ was indeed set as the user.

I don't know if this bug is specific to my installation but thought I'd mention it here. Also, will my edit be wiped by an upgrade?

--Installation Details--
# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150109000000

# concrete5 Packages
Avenir 5.7 (1.0), Call to Action (1.0.0).

MRPockets replied on at Permalink Reply
Update: Apparently, my manual edit was overwritten by subsequent updates to Concrete5. I am currently working around this issue by using but setting the username in Concrete5 to