File upload error other than image.

Hi everyone!

I started with concrete5.7 couple of weeks ago and I'm lovin' it.
I am having an issue that the file management in dashboard working fine for image, even multiple images uploading at same time. But whenever I tried to upload a PDF file, I am getting an error.

"File Manager
One or more files failed to upload
Invalid form token. Please reload this form and submit again."

I am also attaching screenshot.

Hope I find help here. :)

1 Attachment

andrew replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
what are you PHP file upload settings? upload_max_filesize and post_max_size? I wonder if the PDFs are too large, and the files can't be uploaded, and we're just giving you an incorrect and/or unhelpful error message back.
lonnon replied on at Permalink Reply
I was just receiving the same error when trying to upload video files larger than the 32M limit imposed by my server's PHP settings. I bumped upload_max_filesize and post_max_size up to accommodate, and everything uploads perfectly now. The error message is still unhelpful, but you are completely correct about the cause, andrew.

Thank you to both of you for giving me something I could google for a solution.
eoi replied on at Permalink Reply
same problem local latest c57, with brew php54
eoi replied on at Permalink Reply
solved - fail classics:

local php.ini has to be changed:

upload_max_filesize = 500M
post_max_size = 500M

apachectl reload
amuresan replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same problem but I can't seem to find the php5.ini file.