5.7 Forms - Changing originating email address sender

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Does anyone know how to do the equivalent of the old constants
that used to be in /config/site.php ?

define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', 'xxx@yyy.zzz');
define('FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL', 'xxx@yyy.zzz');
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_NAME', 'My site');

Thanks very much for any help

Sollo replied on at Permalink Reply
To my best knowledge, it is defined here: concrete/config/concrete.php
Search for "Email Settings"

Of course, you should be making changes as a core override at: application/config/generated_overrides/concrete.php

I hope this helps.
prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks very much Solio!
Appreciate your comment
Assume you mean for 5.6.3.x
Sollo replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, this is for 5.7.x
It is basically the same instruction as juddc gave you except I was directing you to take a look at the core default setting first - it is self explanatory. The only difference is that I use already existing override file instead of creating another instance of it.
prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Sollo!
Sorry for my misunderstanding
Thanks very much - will take a closer look
Kind regards
juddc replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In /application/config add a new file - concrete.php
return array(
    'email' => array(
        'form_block' => array(
              'address' => 'xxx@yyy.zzz'

That'll customize the From field. It's sitewide though and will apply to all forms build using the form block.

Not sure about the other two - I wish there was a list of all the concrete.php block overrides somewhere for reference.
prema520 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Juddc!
Thanks for your response this looks like the format for 5.7.x
Appreciate the response and sure that others will find it helpful
Yes also would like to see a complete list
theneptune replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for share this helpful post.
girlinabillion replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there!

This worked great for me. I was wondering if you knew how to add the form sender's name (from the name field I added, or email address, or time stamp) to the subject line of the email that's sent.

Here's my separate post about it:

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
