IP Banned, HUH?

Unable to complete action: your IP address has been banned. Please contact the administrator of this site for more information.

The above is the message I receive as I attempt to log into my site to edit the content.

Just installed fresh, default theme. Geez, never had this much issue on the previous versions. Guess it'll just take some getting used to. In the meantime, help getting logged in.


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe that is either happening at your web host control panel, or from within your concrete5 install, but either way its something we can't fix from concrete5.org
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
By default you will start receiving these messages after 5 failed login attempts from the same IP address within 5 minutes. The ban should automatically clear itself after 10 minutes.
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. I have tried to access my site for edit and still no luck.

Anytime I attempt any URL at my site, it takes me to the login page. http://nanagraphics.com/login

Any attempt to login using my credentials turns up invalid. Even tried to register for grins and giggles and notta.

And as usual my subdomain, functioning just fine. I'm unsure as to the reason C5's updated version doesn't like me very much but may just go to another CMS and be done as this is the 3rd uninstall/reinstall attempt to use and anytime I make any changes in the dashboard I have this issue or something similar.

This time, I added the login block to my project, not even used the block and created a sitemap and then here it goes again.

Thanks for the help attempt.
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to hear you're still having issues. In case you're still willing to try things or for those who might find this thread in the future with the same problem, the IP banning functionality can be disabled completely which may get you past and if you use a strong password it's probably not a huge deal:

Create the following file /application/config/concrete.php with the contents of:
return array(
    'security' => array(
        'ban' => array(
            'ip' => array(
                'enabled' => false
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
Getting invalid token as I try to reply here in the forum.

That suggestion helps the ban yet still cannot login.
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
Registering only shows my email address has already been used, if I could just do as we were able to in the earlier versions and just visit the login link or previous one like the dashboard I could get in, but this new method seems it has me blocked out without a back door entrance.

Love C5 and have used in on many sites but becoming increasing frustrated.

also this is in the generated overrides folder. Not sure if relevant but hey, you never can tell.

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Generated 2015-12-13T06:16:45-05:00
 * @item      misc.do_page_reindex_check
 * @group     concrete
 * @namespace null
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return array(
    'site' => 'Nanas Graphics',
    'version_installed' => '',
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Perhaps a dumb suggestion but are you using some sort of proxy extension on your browser? I have ZenMate proxy installed to gain access to content only available in the US and sometimes that trips up IP-specific services when I forget to turn it off. Just a thought.
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
No Proxies at all. Set up directly plain Jane through Dreamhost as my service. It seems that all is okay until I begin making changes to the Theme. This is my third install due to issues and my subdomain has been okay until a hiccup earlier trying to update as it prompted me to.

I'll try MoonGrab's suggestion but doubtful it'll help. It seems to be an issue in directing during the process or something, I don't know.

Do you think the setting for the Pretty URL's would have an effect as it had begun to show some strange signs after I enabled those and generated my .xml sitemap?
VPenkov replied on at Permalink Reply
This shouldn't have anything in common with Pretty URLs.

Have you enabled debugging to check for other errors?
Pretty sure it's either you got banned in a weird way or something should bring up an error eventually.
VPenkov replied on at Permalink Reply
This shouldn't have anything in common with Pretty URLs.

Have you enabled debugging to check for other errors?
Pretty sure it's either you got banned in a weird way or something should bring up an error eventually.
VPenkov replied on at Permalink Reply
Try going in your phpMyAdmin, navigate to your database. Find the table UserBannedIPs and click "Empty" next to it.

For me, Concrete5 doesn't display any bans even if there are active ones.
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply
Had to redo this replay as I received an invalid token error so Hope this makes it through.

No help. As I scan through there are several warnings regarding cache and excessive times to access tables, etc. so not sure at this point if that is on the host side or the install side.

I'm going to try and remove the install once again then reinstall AGAIN to see if there is any change.

I will delete the current MYSQL and have the host re-create one so wish me luck as I attempt once more to get this show on the road.

Since my subdomain also has C5 installed, do you recommend performing the same procedure on it as well? Then just start all over for both domains.
mlane replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
So, invalid token message again as I try to post this replay but this is RESOLVED.

See attached screenshot for the original message and this error.

Thanks Steve Schacht. my hero of the day. Though not quite sure the process to resolve it is nonetheless.