Linking external url to open in a New window

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Hi guys Im reasonably new to C5. Just installed 5.7 and love the overall feel for a novice its pretty good.
I am confused about one thing. Im trying to link a url to and external page. easy enough.
Its driving me crazy! Any help please.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the "open in external window" checkbox when adding an external link not work? That checkbox should control whether the link opens in an external window.

There is a bug in 5.7.2 with the encoding of those external links, which we have fixed in (which will be released soon.) in the meantime you can fix that by linking to // instead of
tees123 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks Andrew.
Im so sorrry but I have no Idea where to start with that response.
So heres what ive tried.

1 The url does work, but it exits my site to go to the linked page/ Site in the same tab
2 I have tried all the connotations including trying light box option. they dont work.

Strangely enough it does seem to work when editing an image.

How would i action your suggestion.
Many thanks
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, I think I misunderstood. This isn't an external link in the sitemap, this is in the content block using the rich text editor? I see what you're saying, that is probably something we should add.
tees123 replied on at Permalink Reply
OK I look forward to that .
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Me too.
Kiesel replied on at Permalink Reply
Me too
annekeh replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andrew,

I am sorry to see it is not provided in the 5.7.3 version. My clients really don't understand the adding target=blank because technical things are arabic for them.

Do you know when it's done within an update?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
We are updating to Redactor 10 in the next major update of concrete5; it should be added in that release.
Ferdi replied on at Permalink Reply
I had a similar problem once, this should work. When you insert a link it in the text-editor you have to define the URL when your URL is, put" target="_blank"
Hope this helps you.
tees123 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Ferdi works a treat.
JoshRendezvous replied on at Permalink Reply
This has always been a problem with C5, some blocks NOT being able to open in a new tab. Well I found this to be the case too when adding a basic content block in a footer, wanting a mailto link to open in a new tab. There simply is no option for this that I see. One way I used to fix this was this:
$('#link a').attr('target', '_blank');
Of course change #link to whatever div it's in. Hope this helps someone
pixeljunkie replied on at Permalink Reply
Any news on this yet?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Version 5.7.4 is very close.
sully210 replied on at Permalink Reply
This unfortunately does not help me. There are no options in the image block and I use it quite often for my clients. This: " target="_blank" is working for me now but it would be great if I could just choose the target option when adding the image. Also, how about adding a class option to the image block. As it stands now I am adding a custom class to each block. I use a lot of logos that link to other sites and it gets tiresome. Food for thought.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
You could always create a custom template for the image block - add the target="_blank" to the link, and you could also give it whatever class you like.

But I agree - not having the option to open links in new windows is quite frustrating.
sully210 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks man. I will look into creating a custom template when I get some time. I am still learning a lot. I want to create a them from the ground up with easy to style navigation and all the bells and whistles I need to make this take less of my time. I will let you know when I get a template together and send it to you.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here - I've attached one. Drop this into your /application/blocks/ directory and uncompress it.
sully210 replied on at Permalink Reply
Holy crap man! Thanks! That is awesome. I am going to try it right now.
grafoman replied on at Permalink Reply
Works! Thanks.
Conkreet replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for this.