Login error 5.7.2

Whenever I log into my c5 website and I check the "Stay signed in for two weeks" button, I receive a database error:

There was a database error, try again.
I also have the white splash page flicker but never show up, and it won't allow me to proceed until I hit the refresh button (removing the splash page).

Is there a way to remove the c5 splash page on start up? The database error at log in does not show up in the reports.

xzeeno replied on at Permalink Reply
I am getting the same thing. Dont know what could be causing it.
It actually logs in, but get stuck on login page at:
adminEasy replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you ever manage to get to the bottom of this?

I'm getting the same message, but on the 2nd attempt it logs in OK
sarkophagien replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a solution to the problem?
If I don't want to remember the login for 2 weeks everything works fine but if not I get the same error message.