Members - adding nickname attribute and displaying in place of username on blog pages

I am trying to find out a way to add a nickname attribute to members so that I can have the blog pages show the member's (author's) nickname in place of the username. This is a simple matter on some other CMS platforms. Am I overlooking something?

Thanks in advance!

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MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi shondy,

The block you circled in your screenshot is the Page Title block with the "Byline" custom template.

The Byline custom template can be modified to display a user attribute instead of the user display name. The new modified custom template will be named "Byline Nickname".
- create the "Nickname" user attribute with the handle of "nickname"
- copy byline.php
- paste byline.php into application\blocks\page_title\templates
- rename byline.php to byline_nickname.php
- open byline_nickname.php

replace with:

- set the Page Title block custom template to "Byline Nickname"