
Hello all,
I have just installed a Concrete 5.7 test site and added a few pages to see how it all works but I have come across an issue and don't see how to resolve it.
the menu is working in a list format
page 1
page 2

but I want it in a landscape mode
home page 1 page 2

but I can not see how to change it, it must be possible but how and on a new system if you can not make these simple changes why would you build a site using that software as you would say to your self if it is that difficult to change this item it could be next to imposable to change other items

apart from this issue so far so good but if I can not resolve this issue project 5.7 will not work for me at this stage


core77 replied on at Permalink Reply
U can get a theme from marketplace or use custom templates:
markrodtech replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks we tried custom template settings but alas no joy
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a custom block template for the autonav block called "responsive_header_navigation". This block template changes the list item display to "inline-block" (which makes the navigation stack horizontally).
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe this only works in the header, perhaps due to some additional css. If you add a new AutoNav somewhere else on the page, and apply that custom template, it doesn't render horizontally. I believe you need to build a separate custom template.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Ahh ok

If no dropdown is required, that could be done quickly.

This is a quickie solution that adds a nav-horizontal class to the autonav ul and adds a CSS rule to float the li left. This works if the autonav ONLY displays the top level pages.
echo '<ul class="nav nav-horizontal">'; //opens the top-level menu

.nav-horizontal li {
float: left;

I attached a zip file. It needs to be unzipped to \application\blocks. After unzipping there should be \application\blocks\autonav\templates\horizontal_navigation. Now you can select a custom autonav block template called "Horizontal Navigation".
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I have attached a quick and dirty custom template.

Create an 'autonav' folder inside the 'application/blocks'
Create a 'templates' folder inside your new autonav folder so you have the following structure: 'application/blocks/autonav/templates/'

Unzip the attachment on your computer and upload the resulting folder to the new 'templates' folder so you have 'application/blocks/autonav/templates/responsive_header_navigation_horiz'

Head back to your website and you should have a new Custom Template for your AutoNav

As mentioned by MrKDilkington, this only works for simple, single-level, non-dropdown menu.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Opps... too many cooks.

I added some right margin to stop them from jamming together but otherwise, the same solution. Take your pick markrodtech
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Too many people trying to help at the same time is a great problem to have.