Page is Pending Approval Notification after you publish changes on

Has any one experienced this?

1. Log in and enter edit mode
2. make a change to block and save
3. Exit Edit mode and "publish changes"
4. Changes are made but not published and the "Page is Pending Approval Notification" blue box appears
5. I need to click "Approve Version" for it to publish the changes.

Help would be appreciated.


1 Attachment

jerryscott replied on at Permalink Reply
I am experiencing the same right now with version 8.1.0 did you find any leads here?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jerryscott,

Version 8.1.0 of concrete5 is nearly a year old. The current version 8.3.1 has many improvements, new features, and bug fixes. I recommend creating a full backup and updating.
softwallcave replied on at Permalink Reply
This still happens on v8.3.2 all the time when using Composer. Seems to be related with how long it takes to create the page, so maybe the auto-save is creating an extra copy. What I see is that a copy is approved, but another is created right after that. Again, this seems to be specific to using Composer.
softwallcave replied on at Permalink Reply
This bug is still present in v8.4.0. I ended up making a page to list all the pages Pending Approval to make it easier for me to see when this bug happens and approve the pages.
hrcv replied on at Permalink Reply
How you did that page list for pending listing? Share please.