Page List - Include password controlled pages in public page list

I am trying to get a Page List to show 'Featured' pages that are login/password protected when viewed as a guest.

Does anyone have any suggestions please?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi dclmedia,

It looks like this can be done with the ignorePermissions() method.

In the Page List block controller, I added ignorePermissions() after the new PageList() object is created in on_start():
public function on_start()
    $this->list = new PageList();
    // the rest of the code

Since the Page List view.php $pages array is already "filled" with pages (this is done in the controller), I am not sure how this can be done outside of forking the Page List block.

If someone else has a block template solution to handle this, I would be very interested to see how it was done.
dclmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! That has worked a treat. MrKDilkington you are truly a font of all knowledge.