requireAsset in custom template

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I'm trying to use the built-in lightbox (magnific popup) in a custom template.

If I try loading the js using requireAsset directly in the view.php file, it seem to work only when the cache is disabled.

Is this a bug or are we not supposed to use rquirestAsset in custom templates?



PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Jordi,

I'm trying to implement Magnific-popup but am struggling to get started...

Could you outline the steps I need to take for a newbie?

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

are you trying to use it in a theme or in a custom template for a block?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want to use an asset in a view but want to enable block caching as well, you'll have to employ registerViewAssets() in your controller. When blocks are cached they sidestep the view() method entirely – but they'll still call registerViewAssets().

I'd recommend checking out the version used in the Feature block controller. There we register assets for a block type that's cached, and we actually require some additional assets for a specific custom template

public function registerViewAssets()
        $this->requireAsset('css', 'font-awesome');
        if (is_object($this->block) && $this->block->getBlockFilename() == 'hover_description') {
            // this isn't great but it's the only way to do this and still make block
            // output caching available to this block.
            $this->requireAsset('javascript', 'bootstrap/tooltip');
            $this->requireAsset('css', 'bootstrap/tooltip');
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Conditionally requiring assets based on the custom template is very useful.

Thank you for the information.
PJSAndo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks I'll check that out.