vital data showing in error message

hello, i don't wish to alarm anyone, but i have just had an error come onscreen in its usual pink block, on reading it i can clearly see my database username, its password and the web site it belongs too, not just once, but its there 3 times, among whatever else its letting me know about.
I wouldn't have thought in any circumstance this would be allowed to happen.
Part of the error reads user **** already has more than max_user_connections...
its not an open site as yet im still putting it together but its on a live domain, i am the only one accessing it right now.
Id like to post the screen shot, but i dont know if that is safe or wise right now.
i will say it begins wiith this:
Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203]

it goes on to list just about everything you would like to know about where the database is and how to access it.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you please send a Private Message to either Franz or Andrew of the core team?


Thank you
fivepints replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for that, i have now passed on the snapshot...

many thanks