Block Requests

Zoom Image

I've built a single image zoom block based on this code: You can select a single image, specify max width and height of the thumbnail and it shows you a thumbnail that gets bigger when you click on…

Adding to Toolbar and Dashboard

I am adding a customised version of clickheat to concrete as an addon and would like to add a "clickheat" button to the "non_edit" mode toolbar. This button will show admins where on that page users are clicking and most…

Backup job for C5

Here is the Beta 6 of the backup job. this one is writed un bash and working on unix/linux only ( MySQL 5 or greater and MyISAM engine). This job will make a complete backup of your files, optimize your database and dump it table by table AND in one…

Data management

Hi all. let me start by saying how much I'm enjoying C5. It's really a different kind of CMS. Right now, the only thing that I'm missing is the ability of create databases inside of the back-office, like this module does on my old cms: http://web.…

Audience Contibuted Media Block

I made a new block. I'm not sure how useful it will be once the new file manager comes out, but I needed to make this for the site I'm working on. Its a block where site viewers can submit files to be reviewed by site moderators. I still need to wri…

Video gallery

Do you plan to develop the video gallery preliminary with the following functions: Gallery working process Set the amount of displayed screenshots (vertically and horizontally) Set the position in the list Set the amount of galleries and sub-galler…

ajax breadrump

Yeah, another thing - now i can talk in plural, communtiy is growing *happy* - we're on is the ajax breadrump from as template for auto nav.

Textmorph and Photo3D-2

I'm on converting textmorph and photo3d-2 from to blocks

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