Announcing community elections

Exciting opportunities to contribute and be awesome abound!


jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Good idea! ;)

Though I'm noticing the lack of a "core development" group -- things like bug fixes, extending the package functionality, etc. Is that an oversight?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply

can't wait :D
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Lets walk before we run.

We're going to be looking hard at improving the bug fixing workflow with our use of issues on GIT. If all sorts of things are getting done that way and all these ongoing needs we have had that we just made these groups for are doing great, it'll be much easier for us to step back from critical decisions around how the core interacts with the marketplace (package functionality) or what-have-you.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
Once I figure out how to work with Git I'm there, looking forward to the future of C5.
Andy101 replied on at Permalink Reply
"Lets walk before we run."

I like this approach, not letting this great platform get out of control with too many updates too soon.
SpencerC replied on at Permalink Reply
This seems like a good plan. I'd like to see a suggestion box for each of these groups, so when I notice little quirks or have ideas it would be easy to send it to the right people.
