Construction Page?

Want to create a construction page. And I'm building online.

I thought I'd just be able to copy the homepage but that's not possible for some reason.

So how would you guys do it? I need the domain to land on the construction page whilst I build behind it. But I need to allow access to some website users whilst they start putting blogs ect on there.

I like the idea of editing the page that shows up during maintenance mode...unless this would be really difficult as I'd rather spend my time on the site ;)

Thanks for your help

abovecreative replied on at Permalink Reply
I had a similar question, the outcome being that it can't easily be done within the system but there are some workarounds which you can view here...

I'm sticking with adding a simple static html page, if you have an index.html it should take precedence over the index.php.

Hope this helps.
cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
Abovecreative's advice on using a static index.html is simple and easy.
However there is tutorial on how to do what you want in the How To section:
PauloCarvalhoDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi ,
I would sugest to set the website under maintenance mode.
Then go to concrete/startup/maintenance_mode_check.php
and change the code to:
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
if ((!$c->isAdminArea()) && ($c->getCollectionPath() != '/login')) {
   $smm = Config::get('SITE_MAINTENANCE_MODE');
   $u = new User();
   if ($smm == 1 && $u->getUserName() != "YOUR USERNAME") {
      $v = View::getInstance();

After that only you have access to the site!
creekriot replied on at Permalink Reply
While under construction (or down for maintenance) a temporary (and simple) change to the index.php file works for me.
index.php originally reads:

THREE options (depending on the assignment of your IP number) follow:

1. If you do your own hosting and so use a local network (with dynamic or static IP) use the first few characters of YOUR IP number (typically "10.20.30" or "192.168.") and change index.php to...
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
if(!strstr($ip, '10.20.30')) {
echo "Future home of bla bla bla";
else {

2. If you access the site with a WAN static IP it becomes...
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
if($ip !== 'YOUR IP NUMBER') {
echo "Future home of bla bla bla";
else {

If you access the site with a WAN dynamic IP you might have to do something like this...
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$reverse = substr(gethostbyaddr($ip), 0, 8);
if(!strstr($reverse, 'THIS-STRING')) {
echo "Future home of bla bla bla";
else {

Where 'THIS-STRING' is the first 8 characters of your reverse lookup.

Return index.php to it's original state when ready for the site to go live.
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know if you need it, but I wrote a free addon that allows login and groups access while sending others to whatever page you feel like etc...
efranco2012 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm in the process of rebuilding a site with CC5, and this came in just PERFECT.

However, I also advice just modifying the default maintenance page: maintenance_mode.php, which is real easy to do.
