Error message being displayed on password reset

Hello all!

I've been testing the password reset feature of C5. I receive the email just fine and the password reset is working.

However, when I enter my new password and confirm the new password, it kicks me over to the login page with 'Invalid email address or password.' displayed at the top.

I can login just fine with the new password, but I was wondering if displaying the error message was a bug.

The error is coming from line 139 of the login.php file. Snippet is below. If it is, I can throw it bug pile.


$u = new User($this->post('uName'), $this->post('uPassword'));
         if ($u->isError()) {
            switch($u->getError()) {
               case USER_NON_VALIDATED:
                  throw new Exception(t('This account has not yet been validated. Please check the email associated with this account and follow the link it contains.'));
               case USER_INVALID:
                     throw new Exception(t('Invalid email address or password.'));
                  } else {
                     throw new Exception(t('Invalid username or password.'));                  
               case USER_INACTIVE:
                  throw new Exception(t('This user is inactive. Please contact us regarding this account.'));

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
i believe this shouldn't be happening in version
orisinal replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have "Use email address as username" enabled in "Login & Registration" settings?

I'm playing with beta (5.4.0) and I just noticed that this problem occurs if you make some users using normal username, then enable "Use email address as username" and try to change password for user with normal username.

Now I'm too tired to make other tests.