Export & Import data

Permalink 3 users found helpful
Hi Guys
I'm thinking about each entry related add-on (e.g. Blog, Discussion, Testimonials and so on like these) should have an export & import option. So that If I want to have a backup of my entries, I don't need to have a full backup of the entire Database. Rather just export the particular section & import it into another. It will help in both having backup as a separate document as well as can import it anywhere in C5.

Similar functionality is there in the Zone Based Shipping add-on, so that I don't need to create my rules each time I set up the site.

Let me know guys about your opinion.


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Functionality like that doesn't need to be tied to each specific block. It could be a general utility that is pretty much block-agnostic for blocks that only have a primary table. It would however need the block specific methods to extend it where a secondary table is concerned or subsidiary content such as images from the file manager.

Such a base level functionality could then be used to further develop higher levels such as page export/import.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Page Export & Import will be the best option if it could be.

But I'm not talking about blocks as it is little difficult to export files and images. I thought about the general listings which is mostly content specific. So that while exporting, it only exports the related tables of that specific section.
