Google's new 'Mobile-Friendly' tag

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Hi Guys

Unfortunately C5 is not recognised by Googles new mobile friendly tag (see link below if your not sure what I am talking about) unless the robots file allows access to this directory:

Disallow: /packages

Is this safe enough to take out the robot.txt file?

Be good to get your thoughts on this.

This gives you more info on it:

WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
are you sure this is what causes the issue?
When you run the Google tool it gives reasons why 'it thinks' the site is not mobile friendly.

I've just checked a couple of sites with this tool. One passed and one failed but both disallowed robots.txt. Neither had themes installed as packages.

I get messages on both that nn number of resources could not be loaded.

incidentally I tried a 3rd site that failed twice and then passed the third time.

the tool doesn't seem completely consistent.
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Took another look. It appears sometimes the tools works even if your .css and .js files etc are in a 'protected' directory.

Mostly though it does not.

If you build a theme yourself and it lives in the themes directory then Googlebot needs to be able to spider the css and js files in there.

If your theme is installed via a package then the same applies for your packages directory:

If you have access to your robots.txt file you could only allow the directories you wanted:

Disallow: /themes/
Allow: /themes/mythemename/css
Allow: /themes/mythemename/js
Allow: /themes/mythemename/bootstrap

and so on - if you don't want other folders and files possibly being listed by Google.
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Great. That did the trick. No idea why that never came to me!!