Guestbook pagination

Permalink 2 users found helpful
Don't know where to post this, but does anybody know how to make pagination for the guestbook? Pretty annoying when you have like 300 comments in the guestbook... so anybody, pagination for the guestbook?


BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you ever find a way to achieve this? I'm trying to do the same thing...

Thanks :-)
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you'd have to build a custom template for the block and make pagination work within it.

conversely the discussions add-on has a guestbook type UI in it, and it gives you a lot of other options you might find nice including pagination and sorting/filtering,etc.
ginipiggu replied on at Permalink Reply
If anyone has found solution for this, please let us know! Thanks!
nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anybody implemented this already? I've been working on a custom template, but can't get it to work ...
DeWebmakers replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here a new controller (see attachment)
Just upload in the blocks/guestbook/ folder and rename to .php

Around line 230 you can change the maximum results.


nickratering replied on at Permalink Reply
I'll try this!! Thank you very much for posting this!
tommyh replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your help in figuring this out. My first attempt failed. I am guessing I placed the number of entries in the wrong place. Where in the code around line 230 does the number of entries to be displayed go? What should the code look like?
tommyh replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anyone got this to work yet or found another solution to paginating the guestbook?
ckjs2015 replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried it - doesn't seem to work :-(