Hear me out...

First congrats on building a really nice system.
User friendly, really appealing for both developer and end users.

They are few issues I would like to address.

As a designer, but knowing a bit of code, I find concrete a bit difficult to grasp in terms of functionality and adding new/existing features.

- The forum is full of information, but I find it time consuming to find basic instructions.
- I am not a developer, so I need straight forward instructions on how to do things. Not pieces of code and the "try it yourself and see what happen".

- It will be great to have a example depository/folder where everything is explained properly with simple copy/paste code. Like any other CMS support will have.

I understand that Concrete is in continual development and there are few users that knows more or less "everything" about it.

But for the alpha user, like me, it will be great to make things simple.

I think I am not the only one needing this.

Again great work, but think about the potential and the majority of users, we're not hardcore coders..

Open to comments.


synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi simpled,

there is this great help section, where you can find most of all anserws about basic stuff doing with concrete5.
Also we startedhttp://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/documentation_efforts...
to filter out solutions from the forum, doing some doc and giving you some copy & paste code. Hm, you mentioned not pieces of code, so i think best way to start is looking in a theme how it's built and understanding concrete5s' application flow,http://www.concrete5.org/help/building_with_concrete5/developers/th...

Best Regards
simpled replied on at Permalink Reply
HEy Sinlag,

Thx for the links.
Already had a look at these and they are helpful.

But as I mentioned, I am not a coder. I understand some of the basic, but like any software/applications, the learning curve is usually long and in today's world, time is money (i know...).

I am in urgent need of some custom code for a specific website, and while I could read all the documentation, try, test etc, I was wandering if it's possible to ask one of you (top coders) to develop something and being paid for it.

If some of you are interested, please get in touch.
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply

I'd like to help you but i'm totally busy at the moment with my school projects and i'm sure if you post your job offer here
(in context to that the 'just submit your info here' link doesn't work for me, so i think you have to contact frz directly),
you find someone, who will do the job.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
we're working on more introduction materials, we're trying to get the community more involved in documentation... we're aware of the challenge.

We also are perfectly willing and eager to do small jobs for other shops that "just need this part to work"...

Shoot us some info: