How delete add-ons?


I feel so blessed to be with Concrete5.

I have been with Concrete5 for several years, and have accumulated a very long list of add-ons. When I first started with Concrete5, I was "purchasing" free add-ons that I never used. I have some older add-ons that don't work with the newest version of Concrete5. I have some add-ons that don't match my current situation and what I need today.

I have only one add-on list, and it is extremely long, and 95% of the things that are in that list are unrelated to my current situation or my websites.

Inside my Concrete5 account, when I click PROJECTS, and choose a specific project, then after scrolling down to the bottom of the page, there is a drop-down menu entitled, "Add item to this Project". That drop-down menu is entitled, "**Select a License", and is the long list of add-ons that I have accumulated over the years. I want to shorten that list of add-ons by deleting many of them.

Does anyone know how to delete individual add-ons?

Thanks very much for your time and help. Have a great day.

jakobfuchs replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
That's currently not possible and I doubt it will be possible any time soon. If you have an old project that you no longer use, you can try assigning the licenses to it so that they disappear in the list of available licenses.
tamarosher replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear Jacob: Hello.

That is such a smart, clever idea! Thank you for sharing your insight. You are wonderful. Thanks to your kind help, I created a project and assigned all my unwanted add-ons to it, which shortened my list of add-ons.

Please contact me when I can help you.