link to external URL

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Just uploaded our new site. Really please with the ability to change as I go. I want to know if someone can offer how to set up a link to an external site url.

etc. etc.

Do I need to create an page with external site page names and urls listed and link to that page from the front page link.
Here is the address for anyone who would like to take a look.
I am still tweeking but hope you get the idea.
The links Icon is on the front page.

professorbob09 replied on at Permalink Reply
sascha replied on at Permalink Reply
> I want to know if someone can offer how to set up a link to an external site url.

Adding links to external sites differs from what you need:

1. If you want the external links to appear on your menus, go to Dashboard -> Sitemap, klick on the page you want as parent for the external link and choose "Add external link". Now this external link appears like any internal page on your sitemap and menus.

2. Or if you want something like a "link page", simply use the content block for your links. You can add links in the formathttp://www... within your text or link from any text when you mark the text and click on the "Add/Edit link" button.

You can see an example of both methods on , the forum link goes to an external site, on the left side it is an external link added from the sitemap that then appears on the menu, on the right side of the page I use links within a content block.