Session timeout management while using LDAP?

Hi, folks.

So I'm managing a knowledge base where my users login via the LDAP Authentication add-on. It seems like the users have to re-login several times on their shift, and they've asked if there is a way for them to only have to login once and have that session be persistent for their shift.

I contacted the LDAP Authentication developers (who are great, for the record), and they indicated that the LDAP package only gets involved when the user is authenticated to verify the password, and that subsequent requests are handled via concrete5's session code.

I've tried their suggestion to update the max_lifetime setting in the /application/config/concrete.php file as so:

return array(
    'session' => array(
        'max_lifetime' => 86400 // number of seconds before session expires

Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any difference in the session lengths.

I did discover the tutorial, but I don't know if that would solve this issue.

Has anyone encountered issues like this or have any suggestions?

We're currently running, for the record.
