Showcase Error "This site does not appear to be a concrete5 site."

When I tried to submit a site to the showcase, this error showed up: "This site does not appear to be a concrete5 site."
I suppose it is because the "generator" meta tag is missing. My opinion is, that this tag could create a security thread - especially if not running the latest version. Potential attackers could scan for it and then specifically target versions with known vulnerabilities. That's why I removed it.
So my suggestion is to remove this test from the showcase submission check. What do you think?

frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
With out the check that area fills up with Russian spam. Put the tag back, submit the site, remove the tag.

Best wishes
Pecked out on an iPhone
hhockx replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Frz,

Found your answer in this forum so maybe you can help me out with my little problem considering the same 'This site does not appear to be a concrete5' error message. I tried to edit one of my showcase sites after making several changes including the introduction of a new custom made theme. When I made my edits to the showcase site and clicked 'save' I got the error message.
On this site the generator tag is where it should be so that can't be the problem...
Any suggestions about how to solve this?

The site is up and running on the same location as before ( ).
Buxolutions replied on at Permalink Reply
I get this message with every c5 site I submit. These are all made with the (now) latest version:
The meta tag
<meta name="generator" content="concrete5 -" />
is included and can be seen when the source is viewed.

Any help on this subject?
terano replied on at Permalink Reply
same here. have the meta generator-tag
<meta name="generator" content="concrete5 -" />

is a showcase also checked on something else?
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
I've heard of problems submitting a site to the showcase ...

...if you have anti-bot protection and require a user-agent and referrer
...if Apache ModPagespeed is enabled

Does that help narrow it down?
terano replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't have an other bot protection than the default robots.txt that comes with C5:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /blocks
Disallow: /concrete
Disallow: /updates

ModPagespeed is not enabled.


additional note: on the project page (when clicking on the project title in "My Concrete5 Sites") appears a wrong thumbnail: the loginpage instead of the homepage. With all the other projects a thumbnail of the homepage is shown.
However site's cache is on.

Maybe this unexpected thumbnail and the not being able to submit a Showcase are related?
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
Weird. I will have mkly look into it when he's freed up from his core release duties.