Where are new pages stored?

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I want to edit my new pages by dream weaver.

synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
New pages are stored in your database. I don't see a way to edit them in dreamweaver.
myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
Ditto synlag's comments - there is no real way to edit in external editors once in the CMS.

Sure you can edit your Header and Footer elements (themes/themename/elements/...) in Dreamweaver - but most of your content is rendered in the actual inline editor.
Stubborn replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I want to ask another question, I have added a form into a new page how can I store an entered information in my database.
cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
The results of a submitted form are automatically stored in your database. The information can be easily accessed by going to: Dashboard> Reports> Form Results| this information can be exported in CSV format.