5.7.5 Release Candidate 1 Now Available

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Hey everyone! Just dropping in to let you know that the first release candidate for 5.7.5 is officially out there. This is a big release. It includes

* Completely new Mobile Device Preview panel in the page panel. Preview the current page in a variety of mobile form factors, simulating user agent, and even rotating the device.
* Page Theme classes can specify layout presets, which can use classes contained in grid frameworks or use their own custom classes.
* Layouts now have design controls available to them, including custom templates and custom CSS classes.
* Added a new custom template “Parallax Image” available to layouts that employ a background image.
* Grid frameworks can now specify hiding classes for responsive breakpoints, which can be controlled through block and area design settings.
* Grid containers that wrap around blocks based on their type can now be disabled or enabled on a per-block basis through the block design palette.
* Global areas and stacks are now multilingual: if you have multiple language areas in your site, stacks and global areas you add will have separate instances for each language, and the appropriate stack contents will be displayed on the appropriate pages with no hacks.
* Much, much, much more.

The full list of changes can be found here


You can download the release candidate from our downloads page


We've added a new 5.7.5-specific bug tracker to the bugs section, so if you find any bugs with this please let us know – we'd love to release this for everyone as soon as possible.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
This looks great, thank you.
NEONOON replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! The mobile device preview panel sounds really good.
Since we're just about to jump in ..should we start with the
RC1 (5.7.5) or better use a (more stable/is it?) final version?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Either one. You'll be able to update to the final 5.7.5 from the release candidate, so I'd start with the release candidate.
NEONOON replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, we'll do then.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Great job guys! Really looking forward to it.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
The mobile preview is nice but I have 2 suggestions/criticisms
1- What's with the love of apples? 3 mobile phones with size differences that probably make no difference for most designs and 1 tablet. And they are all Apple products? Only 1 samsung.
2- Unless you plan on adding a good list of devices with wildly different screen sizes, I suggest you give us the option to add our own devices to the list or at least to be able to modify sizes on the fly, like it's done here:http://responsivepx.com/

Also, although the iPhone 6 plus and Galaxy s5 are marked with the same screen size of 1920x1080 they don't actually have the same size so it might be better to also mention what size we're actually getting on screen. I think it's something like 340x640 for the samsung. That would be useful when trying to set breakpoints.

Thank you Andrew
Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Mnakalay,
There are a few easy ways to add a device, the easiest is probably by adding them to the devices config file /application/config/devices.php. Check out web/concrete/config/devices.php for the proper format.

If you want to add a device through code, you can either use the \Concrete\Core\Device\Device base class and use the constructor to define your device or you can define your own DeviceInterface implementation.
$device = new \Concrete\Core\Device\Device(
    'Device Name',
// Register device

so all together in a gist:https://gist.github.com/KorvinSzanto/6540660fe4bf737a89f8...

If you want to contribute to the core, all you need to do is add a class for the device and add it to the device config file at web/concrete/config/devices.php

Best wishes,
edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Korvin,

Can you add these helpful snippets to a 'how to' or documentation?
1976Ltd replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Andrew,

Really excited about this new release, it's looking excellent and IMHO a huge step.

I've added two bugs I've found relating to layouts to the bug tracker.

I'm also wondering if the layout's could have a keyline around them so users can see what's going on better. Currently to access 'Edit Layout Design' or 'Edit Container Layout' you need to roll over one of the columns (Areas) in the layout. Wouldn't it be more intuitive if there was another keyline around the Container with the name of the Container much like there is for Areas?

Thoughts anyone?


mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
@Korvin, thanks for the explanation.

I have to be honest I have mixed feelings concerning this mobile preview.

On the one hand I really don't see any developer using it. Compared to what we can do with Chrome, this mobile preview is just a cute gadget and I don't see anyone with technical skills going through the hassle of adding devices and using it just to look at their website at different sizes.

So I'm going to assume that's mostly for people on the designing side with low to non-existent technical skills. Then asking them to go write code to get the devices they want in the list is probably not the best idea. They would need an interface to just input the data and the system would add the device. Probably an idea for an add-on here.

Is there any scenario where the mobile preview is actually really useful as it is now? I'd love to hear others' stance on the matter.
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
I can see it being used to demo to clients, and I guess to a lesser extent the non-technical site owners who just want to check what it looks like 'on an iPhone'.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree with you, demoing to clients would be great but I noticed just resizing your screen doesn't work well for most of my clients. I need them to either try it on their phone Or use one of those free solutions that allows you to see the site at different sizes with a phone image around it. That seems to convey the idea to my clients much better than just a resizing. They need context.

If the list of devices was on top instead of on the side, that would allow to test any device size in a much better way, and I could see using it while tweaking css.

Right now I'm still a bit skeptical...
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
The phone images are there (attached), the file paths were just broken in the RC1 release
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

I believe the mobile preview feature was added to compliment the new layout presets and device visibility features that are coming with 5.7.5.

Non-technical users will have access to these new features and the mobile preview gives the settings more context. These users, with or without Chrome, will not be familiar or know how to use the Chrome mobile preview. I believe for these users it will be an approachable way to see how responsive settings change their site.

I agree that non-technical users will not be able to add devices on their own (through the config or programmatically). An interface option to add devices would be ideal. If an interface option is not possible before release (or at all), then I think adding additional popular devices to the default core device config would be useful.

"Also, although the iPhone 6 plus and Galaxy s5 are marked with the same screen size of 1920x1080 they don't actually have the same size so it might be better to also mention what size we're actually getting on screen. I think it's something like 340x640 for the samsung. That would be useful when trying to set breakpoints."

This is a good point. Right now only the physical screen resolution is displayed which doesn't take the pixel ratio into consideration. I made a quick mockup of what the mobile preview would look like with the physical pixels, pixel ratio, and displayed pixels shown.