Anything special needed for Dashboard Single Pages?

I have a single page I would like to add to the Dashboard that contains only a single iframe that points to some legacy code the client still wants to use. However, when I follow the directions in the documentation on Single Pages, I keep getting an error.

"That specified path doesn't appear to be a valid static page."

The path I am using is single_pages/dashboard/instructors

and I have uploaded a file named instructors.php to the /single_pages/dashboard DIR.

Any suggestions?

defunct replied on at Permalink Reply
What does your single_page code look like?

did you add the single_page via the concrete5 dashboard after you created the file?
ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
yep. I followed the instructions from the documentation.

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
<iframe src="/legcode/admin/therapist.php" width="100%" height="700px"></iframe>

I even tried it completely blank and without the C5_EXECUTE stuff as well.
insightfuls replied on at Permalink Reply
What did you type in when trying to add the single page? I believe you should type


That's about the only thing I can spot that looks ambiguous in your report. Everything you have given detail about looks correct to me.