AP - How to get "Add to Area" to disappear

I've been chatting with some guys from the community on how to allow a group to edit all sections but disable the "add to area" for everyone but the super admin.

They came up with this...

$u = new User();
if (!$u->isSuperUser()) { $a->setBlockLimit($a-> getTotalBlocksInArea($c)); }

Which works awesome but for some reason I'm still getting the "add to area" still but its not showing anything when I click on it... Here is a screenshot.


Any thoughts on how to get rid of this?

bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
Any help on this would be great. Thanks!
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem as @kirkroberts and @sarah3585 on this thread...


I would reply to the thread but it looks like its closed...
HeavyPhoton replied on at Permalink Reply
If anyone is still interested in a solution for 5.6 I put together a js function that removes the "Add Too.." option when the block limit is reached. Very handy for client templates.

This is the code:
  ======================================= */
    // ensure that the "Add Too.." functionality is disabled when block limits are reached.
    // function is called with no parameters but is then recursively polled passing back
    // two arrays of 'concrete area' data
    hasScannedBlockLimits = false;
    function enforceBlockLimits ( recAreas = [], recLimits = [] ) {
      // scan page for limited areas once
      if(!hasScannedBlockLimits) {
        var areaElements = getLimitedAreas();
        var areas  = areaElements[0];
        var limits = areaElements[1];
        hasScannedBlockLimits = true;
      // limited areas have been passed in recursively

This is how I use it:

First I set the block limits using "data-block-limit" on a containing div:
<div class="main-nav" data-block-limit="1">
    $a = new GlobalArea('HeaderGlobal');

I use the following to signal that a page is in 'edit mode':
<body class="<?php  if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?>edit-mode<?php  } ?>">

Then I simply run enforceBlockLimit( ) on page load, but only in 'edit mode':
$( document ).ready(function() {  
  // enforce concrete5 area block limits
  if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'edit-mode' ) )    
    enforceBlockLimits(  ); 

This is all done without actually using "$a->setBlockLimit(1);", rather I am just disabling the functionality cosmetically. I use it all the time for client templates, let me know what you think.